6 Month MindsetĀ Barrier Breakthrough Program

The ultimate immersive transformation, mindset & healing journey. For those who are ready to get unstuck and go ALL IN.


Self Care Package

Get workouts, nutrition & a support community. If you are a "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." type person, this is the package for you.Ā 

Want to know which option would be best for you? Apply now for a Clarity Call with Katie.

Please use this link to answer a few questions about yourself and apply to get a free consultation & clarity call. Your answers will be reviewed by Katie to determine if you are someone she believes she can help. If approved, Katie will go over the program details to see which one could be a good fit for you.


Schedule Now

"My life has improved dramatically since I've met Katie. My mindset has slowly morphed and changed for the better."

Emily Sears

"All signed up! I can't wait for another amazing group experience. I learned so much last month!"

Nicole Bagnato

"I had never been interested in having a coach until I found Katie in an abuse survivor’s group. As a fellow narcissistic abuse survivor I knew that she was someone that could truly understand the trauma that I had experienced. I could see that she had a powerful story of overcoming her own trauma and that she had done so much healing herself. Katie has changed my life for the better! She taught me how to prioritize my health and healing by doing the hard work of changing my mindset from that of a victim with no control, to that of an overcomer with the ability to control myself. Katie has been such a godsend, and I highly recommend her if you are looking to overcome the trauma of abuse."

Britany Dooley

"You have totally transformed me. And it's only taken me 26 years to stop under fueling and over exercising which was causing me to be skinny fat. Now I am transforming to lean and toned."

Meg Doyle Callahan

"Katie's group truly helped me get my focus back on achieving the healthy eating and weight loss goals I've been on and off of for the past decade. The support of the group, the accountability, all the mindsetwork has given me the ability to achieve my goals. I'm focused on my system and I'm finding joy in the process. Each daily accomplishment just makes me feel soooooo good! It makes me want to keep going."

Jennifer Yarnall